Balsa Blocks Info
Why the use of The Parrot Rings, Barrels & Pudgies, Nubbies
Plastic Chain Info
Sunflower Heads
The balsa blocks used on GFBToys are from a renewable farming source. For ordering balsa as a part: Build Your Own Bird&Critter Toys > Wood: Balsa, Hardwood, Softwood...Parts & Shapes (Not USA grown)
Why the use of The Parrot Rings, Barrels & Pudgies, Nubbies over toilet paper rolls & paper towel rolls...
The Parrot Rings, Barrels & Pudgies, Nubbies cardboard tubes are safe to use, to be chewed on... even if they sit soaking in a water dish for the day. They are non-toxic from the paper to the glue used. No scents or flavoring are added either. These products should replace the toilet paper & paper towels rolls... generally a chemical based glue is used, it's cheap. Then there are the tubes used with scented toilet paper or the heavily chemical processed paper towels… these chemicals can leech into the cardboard tube... How about soaking in a water dish for a day?? or in your creature's saliva as they chew, carry or stuff in their face.
Made in the U.S.A.
The plastic chain company recognizes that, as a manufacturer of plastic products, we need to do whatever we can to promote recycling and reduce waste. We are committed to safety and the protection of our planet and the environment we live in.
This is the same plastic chain used on GFBToys...
-it is #2 recyclable & can be tossed into your recyclable bin!!
- does NOT contain any lead in the colors nor any BPA or phthalates.
Excellent toy!!
Encourages Natural Foraging fun!!
The sunflwr heads that GFBToys uses, no pesticides or toxins used in growing, harvesting or drying. Good clean fun!!
Parrot Ring Sizes...Mini to 3"
Foot Toy & Toss Toy Mixes
Foraging Box 2"x2"x2"...1 box (unassembled/flat)
GFBS Parrot Wrappers-10
Parrot Rings: (out to in) 3", 2", Pudgie (off to right) 1" & Mini Ring
Parts: USA-C
These are images of a sampling of the FooToys/Toss Toys offered by CBT.
Package of 1 flattened 2"x2"x2" boxes. Both beaks & critters do enjoy destroying & shredding these!! The 2"x2"x2" boxes are excellent to add to toys or adding treats/stuffing to to encourage foraging & play. The boxes are eco-friendly, recyclable & compostable. Sent flattened.
Parts: USA
Size: 2"x2"x2"
Non-toxic white glue. Water based inks. Excellent to stuff w/ treats for shred/foraging fun. Add to toys.
Environmentally friendly & recyclable
Balsa Wood- 1...1x1x4
#67-1109...CornHusker Toss
#67-1111...Nubbie Explosion
#67-1112...Jewel Box
Balsa Wood Great as a toy base or as is. This balsa wood comes from managed farming practices in South America.
1 piece of Size: 1"x1"x4"
Not-sulfured corn husk, paper rope & 2 mini paper discs. All eatable & toss able...
Parts: USA-C & other
Size: 2.25" x 4.75"w (size can vary a bit)
Nubbie Explosion offers a lot chew, shred, toss & hide treats in!! A textured nubbie as the center & flap-jacks on paper rope.
Parts: USA-C & USA
Size: 2.5" x 6"
Jewel Box: Pudgie (colors will vary), hardwood coin ends with thick paper rope. Center is stuffed w/: Critter: Oxbow timothy hay & a dried flower/greens mix. Avian: crinkled colored (colors will vary) paper. Parts: USA-C, USA & other (dried flower/greens mix)
Size: 1.75" x 4"
#195JR...JR Rattleball
#195JR/R...JR Rattleball for critters
#67-1033...Trio Nibble Toss FT
Maple Colored Hardwood 1.25"x1.25" Cubes 3pkg
Fun rattle balls to roll, toss or add to toys. There are no BPA or phthalates. Birds: contains plastic beads. Critters: hardwood rattles (let CBT know) Parts: USA-C Eco-friendly (SMALLEST in photo)
Fun rattle balls to roll, toss or add to toys. There are no BPA or phthalates. Critters: hardwood rattles inside Parts: USA-C Eco-friendly (SMALLEST in photo)
Pkg of 3 odd shaped softwood w/ 2 mini board discs on paper rope. Shapes & sizes will vary.
Parts: USA-C & USA
Package of 3: Sustainable US grown & milled Maple Hardwood Cubes. A 1/4" drilled hole for stringing. Non-toxic water based ink colors. Cube colors &/or designs will vary.
Part: USA
Size: 1.25" x 1.25"