Colored Dice with hole 4pkg
4oz Plastic Cup
Golfball Dome Toy Base 1
Doodle Shapes 6pcs
4 plastic colored dice: red, lite green, yellow & purple. With a 1/16" hole through for stringing.
Part: China
Size: 1/2" x 1/2"
Fun as they are to fill w/ treats. Clear, non-toxic plastic cup. Also, you can drill hole/s to add to toys or as a toy base. Top creating a foraging toy.
Whiffle Ball half-dome with 1/2" center hole. -Great toy base to hang parts on!! -3/4" plastic chain fits thru hole -available in 5 colors: Red, White, Blue, Green & Yellow (please indicate color choice or CBT will choose) -non-toxic, washable (available in a 5pkg, 1 of each color)
Parts: USA-C
Size: 1.5"w x 3/4"h
6 different Doodle Shapes -blue plastic only -fun shapes to add to toys, small to large -parts can be added to them -foot toy fun as is
Parts: USA-C
Size: 1.375"w x 1/8"thick to 2.75"L x .75"w x 1/8"thick
Clowns 4pkg w/ 1/4" hole
#195JR...JR Rattleball
Egg-tastic 5pkg
Plastic White Disc 3"/6pkg
Pkg of 4 playful clowns w/ a 1/4" hole in the head. 1 of each color: blue, green, yellow & red. Add to toys or as a toy base.
Parts: china
Size: 2 15/16"L x 2.25"w x 1/8"thick
Fun rattle balls to roll, toss or add to toys. There are no BPA or phthalates. Birds: contains plastic beads. Critters: hardwood rattles (let CBT know) Parts: USA-C Eco-friendly (SMALLEST in photo)
are made in the USA from plants, 100% renewable content, and are fully
compostable after use. They are made from non-toxic, durable, plant-based
plastic and have a snap closure. 5 colors: purple, blue, pink, yellow & lime Stuff w/ treats to forage!! Easy to drill to add to toys...
Part: USA
Size: 2.25"x 1.5"
3" Plastic White Disc- 6 pkg Great to add to toys as a top, as is for noise or tray or put treats in. Easy clean.
Part: USA-C
Size: 3"d x 1/4"h
#194B...Medium Rattleball
4oz Plastic Cup pkg3
Yellow Whiffle Baseballs...6pkg
#3 Golf Rattleballs Jr
Fun rattle balls to roll, toss or add to toys. There are no BPA or phthalates. Birds: contains plastic beads. Critters: hardwood rattles (let CBT know) Middle ball in image.
* Recyclable
Parts: USA-C
pkg of 3...4oz Plastic Cup Fun as they are to fill w/ treats. Clear, non-toxic plastic cup. Also, you can drill hole/s to add to toys or as a toy base. Top creating a foraging toy.
6pkg-Yellow Whiffle Baseballs (soft texture to work with & holes are NOT uniformed). Great to stuff with shred-paper, treats or lite enough to toss.
3 mixed colors: yellow, red, blue or white. There are no BPA or phthalates. Birds: contains plastic beads. Critters: hardwood rattles (let CBT know)
* Recyclable
Parts: USA-C
Size: 1.5" x 1.5"
#193SB...Large Rattleball
5" cut Link Flo Orange
5" cut Link Flo Green
Fun rattle balls to roll, toss or add to toys. There are no BPA or phthalates. Birds: contains plastic beads. Critters: hardwood rattles (let CBT know) Parts: USA-C Eco-friendly (largest in photo)
Pkg of 12 links. Plastic links, add to toys to hang parts. Great toy base. 4 colors: red, green, blue & green. Parts: Israel
Flo Orange color (middle link) 5" Plastic Link with a cut: -great to hang toys from -as a toy base -easy to drill holes through
Part: USA-C
Size: od- 5"h x 3"w id- 3 3/8"h x 1 3/8"w 1/2" thick cut opening approx: 1/2"w
Flo Green color (top link) 5" Plastic Link with a cut: -great to hang toys from -as a toy base -easy to drill holes through
Part: USA-C
Size: od- 5"h x 3"w id- 3 3/8"h x 1 3/8"w 1/2" thick cut opening approx: 1/2"w