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Balsa Blocks Info
Balsa Blocks Info

The balsa blocks used on GFBToys are
from a renewable farming source.
For ordering balsa as a part:
Build Your Own Bird&Critter Toys > Wood: Balsa, Hardwood, Softwood...Parts & Shapes
(Not USA grown)
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Why the use of The Parrot Rings, Barrels & Pudgies, Nubbies
Why the use of The Parrot Rings, Barrels & Pudgies, Nubbies

Why the use of The Parrot Rings, Barrels
& Pudgies, Nubbies
over toilet paper rolls & paper towel rolls...

The Parrot Rings, Barrels & Pudgies, Nubbies cardboard tubes
are safe to use, to be chewed on...
even if they sit soaking in a water dish for the day.
They are non-toxic from the paper to the glue used.
No scents or flavoring are added either.
These products should replace the toilet paper
& paper towels rolls...
generally a chemical based glue is used, it's cheap.
Then there are the tubes used with scented toilet paper
or the heavily chemical processed paper towels…
these chemicals can leech into the cardboard tube...
How about soaking in a water dish for a day??
or in your creature's saliva as they
chew, carry or stuff in their face.
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