Foot Toy & Toss Toy Mixes
GFBS Parrot Wrappers-10
#67-1066...Fish Fry FooToy
Yellow Treat Box wth 1/4" hole
These are images of a sampling of the FooToys/Toss Toys offered by CBT.
Non-toxic white glue. Water based inks. Excellent to stuff w/ treats for shred/foraging fun. Add to toys.
Environmentally friendly & recyclable
Yellow box to hide treats, add to toys or as is... Washable. Great for Lories!!
Part: USA
Size: Box... 1.5"h x 2 1/8"L x 1 3/8"w Top's rim...1/4" thick
Doodle Shapes 6pcs
#67-1109...CornHusker Toss
#67-1111...Nubbie Explosion
#67-832...LifeSavers Roll Ft
6 different Doodle Shapes -blue plastic only -fun shapes to add to toys, small to large -parts can be added to them -foot toy fun as is
Parts: USA-C
Size: 1.375"w x 1/8"thick to 2.75"L x .75"w x 1/8"thick
Not-sulfured corn husk, paper rope & 2 mini paper discs. All eatable & toss able...
Parts: USA-C & other
Size: 2.25" x 4.75"w (size can vary a bit)
Nubbie Explosion offers a lot chew, shred, toss & hide treats in!! A textured nubbie as the center & flap-jacks on paper rope.
Parts: USA-C & USA
Size: 2.5" x 6"
On a paper stix: beads, thick small cardboard discs & spools. No glue.
Parts: USA-C & USA
Size: 6.5" x 1.25"
#67-805...Pixie Stixs FT
#67-1033...Trio Nibble Toss FT
#67-1082...Rings&Rings FT (pkg: 1 footoy)
#67-733...CubeStix FT
2 Pixie Stixs FT per package. Loaded with colorful sliding beads. Colors combinations will vary. Parts: USA-C & USA, no glue used
Size: 5.5" x 1.5"
Pkg of 3 odd shaped softwood w/ 2 mini board discs on paper rope. Shapes & sizes will vary.
Parts: USA-C & USA
Colorful & Noisey!! Tongue texture interest & fun!! Easy toss fun too!! Plastic & washable. Color combinations will vary.
Parts: USA-C & USA
Size: 2.25"w x 2"h
Balsa wood 2"x2"x1" cube w/ organic apple stixs 6".
Parts: USA-C & other.
#67-734...CubeCone FT
#67-1086...Rings on Loop
Yellow Whiffle Baseballs...6pkg
Balsa wood 2"x2"x1" cube w/ small natural pine cones w/ seeds.
Parts: USA-C & other.
On thick paper rope: 4-1" Parrot Rings 3-1.5" hardwood rings Foot toy or perch toy for the beaks. Toss/chew toy for critters.
Parts: USA-C & USA
Size: 3.75" x 4.5" butterflied paper
On paper rope with fanned ends: -2 hardwood shapes (will vary) -3/1" Parrot rings (colors will vary) Chew, shred, toss...repeat!!
Parts: USA-C & USA
Size: 4"w fan x 3.25"h
6pkg-Yellow Whiffle Baseballs (soft texture to work with & holes are NOT uniformed). Great to stuff with shred-paper, treats or lite enough to toss.