Lilac infused honey... it's easy, tasty
& smells wonderful!!
-Start by harvesting fresh lilac flowers at the
height of their bloom, early in the morning before
the fragrance disappears then rinse and dry the flowers thoroughly.
-This takes awhile, but pluck the individual blossoms from the stems and fill your jar.
-Pour your raw, local liquid honey into the jar until the flowers are covered, then wait for the honey to slowly flow its way around the flowers, use a wooden or plastic chop-stix to eliminate air pockets and continue to fill till flowers are covered.
-Put the lilac honey jar on your window sill & let steep for a week so the flavor can infuse. Try to stir the flowers back into the honey with the chop-stix at least once a day. The flowers will greatly reduce in volume overnight & float to the top.
I removed most of the flowers coated with the honey & used them in the bird/critter bread I baked... Also my rabbit loved the fresh lilac flowers to eat too.
Bee pollen: